History of the Department


“Anything in the Army inventory is air droppable… at least once.” - The Real Soldier’s Manual

A U.S. Army, active duty soldier established the Department of the Real Soldier in July of 1983. It was founded without any authority from anyone; simply declared an entity by one GI who felt that the powers to be were attempting to weed-out the rugged, no bullsh*t, hard drinking, cursing, cigar smoking, tobacco chewing John Wayne-type Real Soldiers whom our Nation needed to sustain its freedom and kick any other army’s ass any where, any time, any place.


Refusing to be a slave to Army fashion, Real Soldier Joe Ruffini designed his own retro uniform and mode of transportation… His trusty mount “FUBAR.”

Real Soldiers… In a time when coffee and cigarettes had not yet given way to anti-inflammatories, and viagra.

Real Soldiers… In a time when coffee and cigarettes had not yet given way to anti-inflammatories, and viagra.

After a hard day’s work, a Real Soldier entered the club at Aberdeen Proving Ground, stepped up to the bar, and ordered his Friday usual - a double Jack on the rocks. The bartender replied, “I’m sorry, but Army clubs can no longer serve doubles. The Army is deglamorizing alcohol . . .by order of General Wickham, Army Chief of Staff.” Shocked and shaken to his very core, the Real Soldier replied, “You gotta be sh*ttin’ me!” “No, I’m not. I wish I was . . . but no more doubles.” It was at that moment, in that place, while downing two single Jacks, that this GI - this great man among men - decided to create an organization whose mission it would be to remind Real Soldiers of their core values: over indulgence, decadence, debauchery, violence, zero tolerance for bullsh*t, and abnormal, sexual appetites . . . that which makes them so very different from and superior to their candy-assed, civilian counterparts.



 And so, the Department of the Real Soldier was born. The first Real Soldier’s Manual was published in 1983 – during the pre-digital days of yesteryear. The book became an overnight sensation, popping up in Orderly Rooms and foxholes everywhere. And today, more than thirty-five years later, the Real Soldier’s Manual is back with a vengeance, making fun of the Army, its leadership, its Real Soldiers, and their loved ones.

The Original “Real Soldier’s Manual” published in 1983.  Now a rare, collectors item, worth tens of dollars.

The Original “Real Soldier’s Manual” published in 1983. Now a rare, collectors item, worth tens of dollars.